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Kay and her kayak



Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wyoming, Boulder July 22 - 29

Wind River View Campground, Boulder, WY - Before we arrived we were thinking it would be closer to the mountains but they were probably 50 miles away.  The area seemed kind of barren and we really wondered what we'd do to entertain ourselves for a week.  Actually it turned out we loved it here and would gladly come back again someday.  After you look at the pictures you'll know why we loved it.

During the drive to Boulder Kay stopped at an overlook Red Canyon Wildlife Management
area to take these two pictures.

Iron work over the gate to the campground.

At the entrance.

This family of osprey were just inside the campground.  We enjoyed watching them all week long.  

One of the parents off to hunt.

This mountain man statue was at the Pinedale visitor center.  Pinedale was only about 10 miles north of the campground.

While out looking for lakes to kayak we found these small ponds that were ideal to walk the dogs.  

Flowering clover.

Marty walking the dogs around the pond while Kay is taking pictures.

Max and Zoe are really starting to enjoy the water.  They both actually went into water over their heads without coaxing.

They are just sure there are some fish down there in the pond.

Wild rose.

We found several wildlife refuges to drive around this week.  Actually very beautiful country and surprising quite a few lakes and streams.

Even the gravel roads are well kept in Wyoming.

We found this lake during our drive.  It's amazing how few people and no traffic.

Marty is loving trying out his new canon camera and lenses.  These shots of the hawk were pretty amazing.

There were several herds of antelope in this refuge.  

One day we drove around looking for the access to the New Fork River.  We saw lots of birds while driving down to the launch point.

First thing we saw after we started down the lane was this osprey with a fish in his talons.

There is a lama farm right at the entrance to the road.  Actually saw several places where they raise lamas.
What curious creatures they seem to be.

The road went right by a huge sand pit so we had to watch carefully for the trucks.

Our poor car has seen it's share of dirt roads this trip.

What a surprise we found a sand hill crane.

Blue Heron posing for us.

Beautiful meadows and streams on the way to the river.

These next  pictures were taken while we were kayaking the New Fork River.

Mostly Kay gets pictures of Marty's back but here's a nice one were he's facing forward.

There were lots of twists and turns on this river and it took concentration to stay in the deeper channels.

Kay spotted this big moose in the river.  He ran up the bank but then shortly went back into the river and stood eyeballing us.  Kay was sure he was going to charge so she didn't get enough good pictures.  Marty forgot his camera today.

Marty took over the camera for a while and got this shot of Kay.

We've forgotten what kind of bird this was in the picture but we saw so many animals and birds on this trip.  Two owls were sitting along the bank but they flew away before Kay could get the camera out.  There was also a mink running along the bank that was just too quick for the camera.

Here's the take out point at the bridge.  Was only a 3 1/2 hour kayak trip but we had to work the whole way and both of us were glad to see the bridge and car.  This was one of the best river runs we've ever had mainly because of all the birds and animals we've seen.

Back to the launch point to get the truck and look who was there to greet us.  

Kay getting some pictures of the moose.  We were probably closer than we should have been but how exciting.

In Pinedale there was a very good museum with many displays about the mountain men who opened the west.

This is only a fraction of the rifles they had on display.  There were several more cases.

This was amazing to see, Jim Bridger's rifle.

We drove to Jackson and the Tetons one day.  Just outside of Jackson there was an art museum, the National Wildlife Art museum.  This statue along with many more was outside the museum.  Inside were lots of western and wildlife art but we didn't take pictures inside.

Entrance to the museum.

Heading towards the Tetons.  Loved these clouds.

We stopped at a pull out to take pictures and walked the dogs.  What a view.

Kay walked the dogs then went back on her own to take pictures.

Here is one of the pictures she was able to get.

Jenny Lake was the next stop.  Both of us have always loved this place.

Marty enjoying the day.

Another beautiful shot of Jenny Lake then we headed back to Boulder.

We had several people recommend the Wind River Brewery for dinner.  Weekend special was the prime rib.  It was a bit pricey but the best prime rib other than Mike's we've ever eaten.  Yumm.  and their beers weren't too bad either.  What a great way to top off a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. When we hook up you will have to show me some tricks on my camera. Looking forward to getting together again and catching up on travels. Hope you are doing well.
