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Monday, April 23, 2012

Missouri, Branson April 9-16

My classmates Delbert and Noni Frericks put a mini Redfield High School Class of 1959 reunion together.  There was a ton of effort to plan this fantastic.  We attended six different shows in 4 days.  The shows included, SIX, Down Home Country, Haygoods, Red Hot & Blue, IT, and the 100 years of Branson Celebration.  Great choice of shows.  Six of the seven couples stayed at the Best Western Motel.  Kay and I stayed in our camper at the Treasure Lake RV park about a two blocks away from the Best Western.  We met the group each morning for a continental breakfast and in the evenings we usually got together for wine and snacks before heading the show.  It was good to see people from my class, and spend some time getting to know them again.  We should do this more often.  Again I want to thank Delbert and Noni for all the hard work they put into this reunion.  
Branson, Missouri
Front row from the left:
Don and Karen Schafer, Larry and Glenna (Johnson) Herker, Dick and Bonnie (Anderson) Lien
Middle row from the left:
Delbert& Noni (Brown) Frericks, Marty (aka Roger) and Kay Moeller
Back row from the left:
Gordon and Marie Sjodin, Leland and Doris (Allen) Harms
Delbert& Noni (Brown) Frericks
Hollistor, Missouri
Marty (aka Roger) and Kay Moeller
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Larry and Glenna (Johnson) Herker
Muncie, Indiana
Dick and Bonnie (Anderson) Lien
Watertown, South Dakota
Leland and Doris (Allen) Harms
Raymore, Missouri
Gordon and Marie Sjodin
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Don and Karen Shaffer
Buena Place, California
Karen - Kay - Noni
Don trying to get me drunk on his wine. He almost got the job done.
Kay - Noni - Bonnie
Noni - Glenna - Bonnie
Don serving Doris and Bonnie
Larry and Ray ( Don's brother)
Noni and Karen getting into the shrimp and drinking a little wine.
Glenna happy as she always is.
Don - Larry - Glenna - Lee
Noni - Marty (Roger) - Bonnie
Marty - Don - Larry - Dick waiting for the girls to get done shopping.
Marty - Don - Gordon - Delbert
Marie - Noni - Kay - Karen standing in front of Trigger.
Roy Roger's horse Trigger and his dog Bullet.
Dale Evens' horse Buttercup.
One of the shows we went to,  Down Home Country.
Another one Red Hot and Blue
I can not believe I had the chance to talk to Buck Trent.  He is the best Banjo picker in the world.

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